Meet Our Girl


Type: Miniature Poodle AKC Registered

Sex: Female

Weight: 10 lbs.

Color: Red Abstract

Health: Excellent

Rosie is a full of pure love and happiness! She lives for cuddling and making sure everyone is as happy as she is! ! Rosie always has a smile on her face , she has an amazing personality. Rosie is great in every situation !
Rosie has a beautiful Red abstract coat and a perfect small build. She has passed all her DNA tests and OFA certification. She comes from great lines and her parents have also passed all their DNA testing and OFA certification.
DNA testing -Progressive Red Cone Degeneration PRA-PRCD) Clear/Normal A
Von Von Willebrands Disease Type 1 ( VWD1) Clear/Normal A
OFA Pateller Luxation – No Luxation Certified